One of the greatest concerns of dental specialists is the rate of failure, which can happen at any possible stage of the implantation process. Each and every breakthrough leading to the future in the industry relates to reducing this risk and helping the bone healing process, patients comfort and obviously, lessening the time spent. One of the reasons for declination in success may be caused by micromotion and stress exerted on implants during the phase of bone healing. This concept becomes highly relevant in cases of implants placed in atrophic ridges.

Advantages of intraoral welding
Primary stabilization and fixation of implants becomes an important goal, leading to the possibilities of immediate loading and oral rehabilitation on the same day as the procedure. This can be accomplished through the technique of intraoral welding — the process of welding the titanium bars on implant abutments directly in the patient’s mouth, eliminating the chance of mistakes or distortions due to impression.
This practice has showcased many advantages; in particular, intraoral welding is very effective in the immediate loading of implants positioned in atrophic edentulous ridges as it prevents the risk of micromovements and loss of implants. Taking this into consideration, this way of rigid splinting becomes relevant in response to peri-implant tissues, reducing the stress exerted. It’s easy to customize and handle procedure, with vast functioning and easy repairs. Lastly, the main advantage of intraoral welding is the possibility of fast full-arch restoration — even on the same day of surgery or several days later, preventing unpredictable fixation problems, increasing the implant survival rate.

Dr. Adam Nowicki in Open Dental Community Congress
Intraoral welding isn’t an easy task to take upon — it includes the vast approach of digital workflow integrations and choices to be made: this process leading to restoration can be completed with one-piece and two-piece implants, even as a choice in challenging clinical cases. Accordingly, we are glad to invite you to learn more about the topic on January 31st, in Conrad, Dubai, during the Open Dental Community Congress, together with Dr. Adam Nowicki, who will show a step-by-step presentation of a complete protocol for immediate full-arch restoration on implants with intraoral welding. During the lecture, participants, with the lecturer’s help, will learn all about a full-arch restoration procedure with examples of procedure planning using innovative programs, prosthesis creation using digital library and answer your questions regarding intraoral welding.

Doctor Adam Nowicki graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. The spectrum of professional interests is the technology of immediate full-arch reconstruction on implants and the design of templates for implants and suprastructure (prostheses) with 3D printing with intraoral welding. Interested in technologies in medical services such as augmented reality (AR).
The registration is already open, join us on January 31 Conrad Dubai at the 4th annual Open dental Community Congress.
Registration is at [email protected]
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