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Of dental implantology
16 Speakers
Dr. Dainius Karpavičius (Lithuania) 1/16
The peculiarities of Conometric fixation in prosthodontics. The infinity of one-piece Compressive and Pterygoid implants.
Dr. Alvaro Bastida (Spain) 2/16
FILO: Flapless and Immediate Loading implantology
Dr. Ruslan Alymbajev (Kirgyzstan) 3/16
Conometric solutions for one-piece implants.
Henri Diederih DSS (Luxembourg) 4/16
The Pterygoid Implant: an added value.
Dr. Vasylyj Rybak (Ukraine) 5/16
Reconstructive surgery of the facial skeleton and soft tissues.
Dent. Techn. Mikhail Sledkov (Lithuania) 6/16
All on 4-6-8. CAD CAM technologies. The possibilities of different materials.
Dr. Tor Tegnander (Norway) 7/16
Relationship between clinical findings and MRI imaging in orofacial pain patients.
Dr. Mihail Budeci (Romania) 8/16
Guided surgery: maximum precision for immediate loading.
Dr. Andrius Surovas (Lithuania) 9/16
The Evolution of Subperiosteal implantation. New ways of treatment.
Dr. Juryj Dmitryshyn (Ukraine) 10/16
Immediate implantation and immediate loading in aesthetic area.
Dr. Dainius Razukevičius (Lithuania) 11/16
Temporomandibular joint disorders and treatment.
Dr. Abduljaleel Samad (Iraq) 12/16
Optimizing the soft tissue around one-piece dental implants.
Dr. Romanov Novichenko (Russia) 13/16
BIO-logical planning of surgical and prosthetic treatment while using dental implants.
Dr. Gediminas Skributis (Lithuania) 14/16
Influence of Monson Curve in Occlusion.
Dr. Viktor Vovk and Dr. Altay Zhumabekov (Kazakhstan) 16/16
The influence of prosthetic construction to immediate loading of dental implants.