ROOTT Dental Implant System

Two-component root-form screw implants with active thread for single and multiple restorations with delayed loading in all types of bone tissue.
- Excellent primary stability in all bone types
- Active self-tapping thread
- Reliable dental implant-abutment connection

Single-component compression thread implants for multiple restorations with immediate loading in all types of tissue deficient bones.
- Simple placement and prosthetic procedure
- Immediate loading
- Excellent primary stability in all types off bone
- Adjustable abutment slope angle
- Resistant to cervical fractures

Single-component implants for multiple restorations and direct alveolar placement with severe bone tissue deficit, extracted teeth sockets or transgingivally.
- Ideal for resorbed ridges
- Immediate loading
- Placement in a socket of an extracted tooth
- Excellent protection from inflammation around the dental implant
- Adjustment of abutment angle 15 degrees