On July 30th event “From Two-piece to One-piece implants. Indications and aesthetics” was held in Hilton Dubai Hotel. Speaker Dr Karampinis Triantafyllos presented and demonstrated new solutions and treatment plans with one-piece implants, Multi-unit implants and Two-piece implants. Giving a broad overview of the ROOTT system doctors also introduced new ideas about pterygoid implants. He also explained the functionalities of implants and the possibilities of the pterygoid area. Pterygoid implants with their functionality is a great way of avoiding sinus lifting procedures and bone grafting methods, decrease time spent during the surgeries and avoid extra costs for patients. With the possibility to try out implants in hands-on activities, participants had an opportunity to see and try out implants with their own hands.
Participants of the event learned the possibilities of one-piece and multi-unit implants, where, when and how to use them, and how to control the pterygoid area professionally with pterygoid implants. Showed interest in ROOTT implant system and were impressed by the simplicity and variety of solutions available in daily practice with ROOTT.
If you missed out on the event, let’s meet in the upcoming “Minimal invasive in oral rehabilitation” event with a highly motivated dental practitioner Dr Mohammed Qasem with more than 15 years of experience in dental implants.
For more information visit the link below.